時間和地點 Time & Location
Oct 22, 2023, 1:45 PM – 5:00 PM GMT+8
大埔元洲仔里元洲仔自然環境保護研究中心, Tai Po Road (Yuen Chau Tsai), Tai Po, Hong Kong
活動詳情 About the Event
「我城我書」邀請參加者一同走進超過115年歷史的新界政務司官邸,感受舊日節能兼與自然融和的建築特色。「我城我書」的學生大使將為大家介紹香港作家吳煦斌的生態書寫,並在WWF導賞員的帶領下,參加者可欣賞栽種了140種奇珍異卉的英式花園 ,並學習植物自然生態及其對環境綠化作用,和了解有機耕種在現代城市的角色。更可漫步觀賞官邸小島岸邊的紅樹林、砂岸及岩岸邊 , 觀察吐露港僅餘的原始海岸生態 , 思索如何在日常生活中以可持續方式善用豐富的海岸資源 。
Thinking Feeling Gardens: A Literary Eco-Tour in Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po
Date: 22 October 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 1:45 pm to 5pm
Address: Island House Conservation Studies Centre, Island House Lane, Tai Po, New Territories
Language:Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Target audience: Participants should be aged 15 or over
Quota: 17
*Free of charge
Event details
In this event, members of the World Wide fund for Nature Hong Kong (WWF) will provide a guided tour, student ambassadors of One City One Book HKwill introduce the eco-writing of the Hong Kong writer Ng Hui Bun (Xubin). Let’s connect with literature and the natural landscape!
We invite participants to visit the 115-year-old official accommodation of the Chief Commander of the New Territories during the colonial times, now used as the WWF Island House Conservation Studies Centre. Some architectural features were designed for efficient energy use and to merge with the natural environment. These would encourage you to re-consider how to save energy in your modern household. Adjacent to the main building is an English-style arboretum featuring 140 native and unusual plant species. Venturing to the foot of the hill, participants will see the mangrove, sandy and rocky shoreline as well as a helipad. Apart from searching for sea lives for observation, it is also a chance to reconsider how to use the rich coastal resources in a sustainable way.
-No car parking is available at Island House.
-Please refer to the visitors' guidelines: https://wwfhk.awsassets.panda.org/downloads/vistor_guideline__eng_.pdf